Making our communities better since 1997



The project was a 140-acre multi-use facility, which included county offices, as well as recreation facilities.

Location: El Jebel, Colorado

Description: The project was a 140-acre multi-use facility, which will include county offices (county jail, social services, sheriffs office, etc.) as well as recreation facilities (ball fields, tennis courts, 15,000 L.F. bike trail etc.).  This controversial project was being developed by Eagle County was in the preliminary design phase of the Eagle County P.U.D. process.  Marcin Engineering was the Land Survey and Civil Engineering Consultant in charge of completing P.U.D. required design plans including platting, adoption into the water and sewer district, design and permitting of highway access, evaluation and design of utilities, interior roadways, 15,000 L.F. bike trail, and associated infrastructure.  Marcin Engineering administered the public bid process on behalf of Eagle County and provided Construction Administration/ Construction Management Services for the infrastructure involved with the project.  Marcin Engineering was able to maintain the tight schedule set forth by Eagle County.



Providing Civil Engineering and Land Surveying to Eagle County, Summit County, Pitkin County, Lake County, Chaffee County, and other Colorado mountain communities.