Making our communities better since 1997



 Marcin Engineering worked with the Geotechnical Engineer to study what work needed to be done in order to stop the settling issue.

Location: Town of Avon, Colorado

Description: This project consisted of a parking lot, which was constructed on poorly constructed fill, that was showing signs of significant settlement, and it was time to address the issue. Marcin Engineering worked closely with the Geotechnical Engineer to study what work needed to be performed in order to remedy the situation. The Geotech concluded that the top 4 feet of soil needed to be over excavated and reinstalled with a system of geo-textile fabric, structure fill, road base, and asphalt. Marcin prepared a set of plans that depicted the said improvements, as well as over excavation plans, grading and drainage, and demolition of existing conditions. Marcin performed the topographic survey necessary to perform this design to a high level of detail. Marcin also prepared an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs for this project.

Providing Civil Engineering and Land Surveying to Eagle County, Summit County, Pitkin County, Lake County, Chaffee County, and other Colorado mountain communities.